Saturday, November 14, 2009

Journal Disclaimer

I wrote the following today in my journal that I am finally starting to write. Although this applies to my journal and NOT this blog I thought I'd share it with you anyway.

I have an issue with writing a journal. In general, I feel more like writing when something bad is happening, when I am in an emotional state or in a dilemma of some sort, but it is also at these times that I feel the need to be more private. The thoughts go through my head: "What if someone reads my journal? Today? Next Year? In 10 years? After I am dead?" So do I tell the truth, pour out my heart without thought, or do I censor my thoughts and emotions before putting them down, and if I do that is there any real use or any real cathartic release in keeping a journal. I guess the truth is best, whatever the outcome?

I, therefore, do NOT pledge to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the pages to follow, but I will try to be self-censored free or at least minimize it as much as I can.

In all fairness, if you are not me and are reading this, please make sure you my permission or that I am dead. (Even if I am dead think twice about if you really want to read this or not, I may not be the person you hoped or thought I was)

If you are still reading without permission and I am still living, I hope many unfortunate and unspeakable things befall you. (See, I am not really all that nice)

**Remember this applies to my journal NOT my blog so please feel free to keep checking back on the blog.**