Years ago an anonymous person (anonymous to me) gave me a poem/prayer that really seemed to touch on just what I was feeling. I have saved the slip of paper on which it's written and every few years I come across it again and realize that it is still applicable in my life. I figured since it has affected me so much that I should share it with others.
I feel it coming again: fear, crawling under my skin.
That quite unspoken, never-admitted feeling...
That haunting, ever nagging, turn-your-back-and-run panic...
Fear: not of spiders or big dogs or the pull of the ocean,
But fear of my ability, people's reaction, the future, mistakes.
O Lord, help me to face my fears and turn them around.
By my anchor; stand by me until I-
Stop fearing I might lose in love...
But fear instead that I might never love at all.
Stop fearing there are others better than me...
But fear instead that I will never discover my true potential.
Stop fearing I might not meet others' expectations...
But fear instead that I might never know yours.
Stop fearing what lies ahead tomorrow, next week, next month, next year...
But fear instead that I might never experience life's drama today.
Stop fearing hurt and sorrow and tears...
But fear instead that I will never know the pains of growth.
Stop fearing I might fail...
But fear instead that I might never try.
Stop fearing others will laugh at me...
But fear instead that I might never learn to laugh at myself.
O Lord, help me to anchor my life on your hope
Instead of my fear.
O Lord, I know an adventurous life can never be fear-free..
But at least help my fears to be my soul's signal for rallying.
Instead of running.
Living Water
4 years ago